Redesigned and partially re-written Open panel with automatic disk detection

As part of my Google Summer of Code project, I had a look at VLC’s open panel on Mac OS X. After simplying and re-arranging the file tab and adding new options to the Capture tab (used to access webcams and other video input devices), I re-wrote the disk tab which allows you to open DVDs, etc.

Starting with the current nightly builds, VLC can autodetect your inserted media as DVD, Audio CD, VCD or SVCD, and well, yes, as Bluray disk. There is no longer a need to select the type of disk, while all previously available features are still there if you need them.

With these changes, VLC’s “advanced” open dialog should be more appealing and quite a bit more obvious to use. To see what it looks like, click here.

VLC 1.1.11 (updated)

Another update for VLC will be available shortly. Here are the Mac-specific improvements with a main focus on full compatibility with Mac OS X Lion. While some GUI fixes and improved handling of the Apple Remote were already silently added to VLC 1.1.9 and 1.1.10, here are some more noticable:

  • Fixed scrolling direction if the input device’s signal is inverted
  • Updated the auhal audio output to the latest API
  • Disabled window restoration for privacy reasons

Regrettably, the screen input module will remain unavailable in VLC’s 1.1 series for Mac OS X Lion.


Additionally, this update will include these fixes for all Mac OS X versions:

  • Resolved conflict between iTunes and VLC with regard to Media Key handling
    • If enabled in VLC, it will respond to the keys as long as it is the front application. If not, iTunes/QuickTimePlayer will.
    • If disabled in VLC, iTunes/QuickTimePlayer will always respond to the keys.
  • Fixed playback of MPEG TS files in the ports for PowerPC and Intel (32-Bit)
    • VLC’s 64bit port was not affected
  • Fixed images disappearing on the interface
  • Reduced installation size by up to 30 MB
  • Updated codecs

For more details on this update and the important cross-platform changes, please have a look at the release notes, which will be available upon public release.

Update (July 16th): VLC 1.1.11 is now available from or through VLC’s internal updater.

Updated Audio Output module for Mac OS X

In preparation of a future Mac OS X release, I’ve updated VLC’s audio output module for Mac OS X to the latest API. Feel free to get a nightly build and report any problems you might have.

Of course, these builds can be installed alongsite your current VLC installation.

Edit: updated builds posted at 4:30 PM CEST.